Top 10 PlayStation 4 Video Games for Excitement!
Are you looking for the best PlayStation 4 video games to play right now? You’ve come to the right place! We prepared a list of best games for you to play.
Every gamer is different and every personality varies from one another. Preferences and play styles varies from one player to another. That is why some basic games have difficulty options such as easy or hard. There’s nothing wrong with that. Again, we have different personality types. But, there is one common thing for every gamer and it is to enjoy and make sure that every hour, minute, and second spent on playing the game is worth it.
Everyone has different taste that is why we compiled all the games with different genre including Action, Adventure, Role Playing Game, Battle Royale, First Person Shooter, and many more.
Yes, there’s a lot of options but we made sure to list the games that are all worth playing and worth it of your money. From surreal experiences, awesome graphics, and best gameplay, we’ve made it easy for you!
PlayStation 4 is a great way to spend your leisure time. Some people also use PlayStation 4 to earn money. How? According to Statista, there are 7.4 million active streamers in Twitch from January 2018 to May 2020, globally. Insane, right?! Many people are engaging now on games. Some gamers play because they are hard-core gamers since then while some gamers share their gaming experience through streams or upload.
So what if you’re a newbie gamer? No one starts being excellent. We all go through a process. So, if you want to practice your gaming skills, might as well check out all the games here. Practice your strategic skills and imagination skills. You’ll never know where your gaming journey will take you.
Here’s the guide we prepared for you. Go on and choose your game!
What are the Top 10 PlayStation 4 Video Games to play?
Let’s start off with number 10 down to number 1.
Genre: Action / Role Playing Game (RPG)
What if one day you wake up in a post-apocalyptic world where humanity lives on primitive hunter tribes? Isn’t it intriguing on how did that happen? When two worlds collided together — tribal people and machines! Chaos!
While exploring the game, you will witness the beauty of forests and mountains. The landscaping is definitely superb. You are also going to see the towering ruins of the forgotten civilization caused by the domination of machines.
You must unlock the mysteries of old ones, the artefacts and ruins while taking down those terrifying alien machines that you are going to encounter. You are also able to experience a dynamic change of weather. From vibrant sunny days to growling thunderstorms. There will also have times that you’re going to experience a full day cycle or a full night cycle.
Let’s talk about the machines.
The designs of alien machines are obsessively detailed. It looks solid metal. You must have a solid strategy to knock out all your opponents. Be mindful because these machines have machine guns, disc launchers and mouth laser. They also do bite attack, foot stomp and tail slam! And machines have one dangerous special ability; they have a radar scan which they can use to find the hidden threats.
You can turn your enemies’ weapons to be your weapons. How? You can take off their disc launchers and use them to create damages back to the machines. Don’t worry! You also got your own fighting gears such as hunter bow and rope caster.
In this game, Earth is ours no more not until you discover the “Open World.” Buckle up and ready yourselves because Horizon: Zero Dawn offers a thrilling action packed combat where you need tactical strategies to defeat the aliens using primitive gears with advanced technology and solve the mystery on how the machines dominated the world. Discover your destiny because you’re not just a young outcast hunter in the game. You are more than that. You have the agility and sharp skill to hunt. Make sure to survive.
9. Fortnite
Genre: Action / Adventure / Battle Royale
This is not just an ordinary Battle Royale kind of game. In this season, Fortnite gave us a “Secret Agent” theme and what can we say? This is one of the coolest battle pass ever! Be a spy and discover secret hideouts, secret passages, and use new gadgets! You can create your own unique look and upgrade your weapons, as well.
But first, who will you be teaming up between the two covert operatives? Ghost or Shadows? Is it with Ghost team, dressed in white tuxedo and waistcoats? Or with Shadows team, dressed in all black that looks totally edgy at all. To choose between the two, you must head to the Agents Section. You can also choose from the five new agents which one you are going to play: Brutus, TNTina, Meowscles, Skye, and Midas.
Who are these five new agents?
Brutus is known as the goon in the gang. He is also the boss in Grotto. His weapon is a mini gun that is considered as a mythic rarity weapon. Even though it’s small in size since it is a mini gun, it is definitely an extreme strong weapon to use in fighting the opponent.
TNTina, the cool girl in the troop and can be found in the Rig, a facility found in the sea. She owns a powerful sharp boom bow. You can easily snipe enemies and scream, bulls eye! Certified beast weapon!
Meowscles is not just a cat. Don’t you dare belittle him! Meowscles’ weapon is called “Meowscles’ Peow Peow Rifle”. Funny as it may sound but this is a strong mythic rarity weapon. It is a variant of Heavy Assault Rifle. In just one shot, the opponent can have a lot of damages. Meowscles is currently residing in a Box Factory location. Better go there and get that peow peow rifle!
Skye is a boss at The Shark. Who said that girls can’t be bosses? As a boss, she also owns a Mythical Assault Rifle and it is considered as one of the best weapons in the game specifically in Season 2!
Midas, the Spy Boss at the Agents Section. He may have a dashing appeal but he is more than that. We all know the tale of “Midas Touch” and he portrays it. Whatever he touches will turn into gold. That is one of his mechanisms. Aside from that, he obtains the “Midas’ Tommy Gun” or also known as “Midas’ Drum Gun”. His gun is considered one of the best guns in the game and causes more damage when shot close to a medium range.
Well, the only advice that we can give is, choose wisely because the future is in your hands. Be sure to make the right decision.
8. Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
Genre: Action / Adventure / Role Playing game (RPG)
Definitely, an awesome epic odyssey game. Your destiny is in your hands because where you begin doesn’t define who you will become in the future. To become a true legend hero, you need to have courage, strength, compassion and commitment.
Commit yourself with this game. This game shows not only the story of being a Spartan hero but also shows the culture, uncover hidden treasures and naval battles.
One of the best features of this game is that this is an open-dialogue. Meaning, you’ll have choices every time that you are going to reply on someone you are talking to. This is a game of choice because every choice you made will have an impact on your gameplay.
Another awesome feature is that you are able to choose which one of the two characters to play, whether male or female. Whatever you choose between the two, make sure to use your special abilities to kill the opponents. You have the freedom to choose your own weapon, gears, and abilities and these will totally affect your play style.
This game has hundreds of quests that you need to unlock. And through this adventure, you will experience a lot of things that will affect your fate. Always remember that the key in this game is choice.
7. Doom Eternal
Genre: First Person Shooter / Action / Adventure
One word to describe this game — unstoppable. The moment you play Doom Eternal, you just can’t stop. If you watched the trailer of Doom Eternal, it forms hype inside you that you just want to start and play this game. Who said that single player game is out of style? “Hold my gun”, said Doom Slayer.
Unleash you inner Doom Slayer and save the world because this is the last chance of humanity to repent. Fight those demons with powerful weapons. Gain extra health by killing the opponent and don’t forget to take whatever weapon your opponent has. More resources, more power.
We all know that demons are powerful but we should never let demons win! How to slay these demons? Of course, you have the capabilities!
Doom Slayer has an advanced Praetor suit that protects him with the attacks of the demons. Another one is a shoulder-mounted flamethrower. Make the demons suffer with blazing heat! You can also attack the demons using wrist-mounted Doom Blade. Beautifully brutal but that is what the demons deserve.
Upgraded tech guns are also weapons on the game. There is what they call “Super Shotgun” which can cause total damage to the opponent. Much better if you team it up with the ability like “Double Dash” that can transform Doom Slayer into a faster, stronger, and powerful slayer ever!
6. Marvel’s Spider-man
Genre: Action / Adventure
Are you a Marvel fan? This could be the best superhero game for you! Astounding breathtaking graphics, indeed. You won’t stop playing this game. This is the best spidey game, ever!
We all know what Spider-man does. All New Yorkers is his responsibility. He fights big crimes in the city while trying to work things out between his personal life and being the savior of the people. Can you relate with Spider-man? Aren’t we all have our own struggles yet we want to save others? Maybe you can be the next Spider-man.
But before that, make sure to know your enemies well. Spider-man has a lot of villains to conquer. Who are these villains? Let’s begin with:
Mister Negative
His usual form is known as Martin Li, a businessman admired by New Yorkers. But don’t get fooled because you shouldn’t admire someone from the underworld. Due to Mister Negative’s vengeance on a said corrupt official, he destroys anyone who interferes with his plan.
We all know this big guy. He is Wilson Fisk, a philanthropist and businessman that has a dark secret. Spider-man spent so many years to eliminate Kingpin but, he is truly a bad guy. He is like a cat with nine lives. Therefore, he continues to secretly control New York’s organized crime families.
Max Dillon, a man that harness and wields electricity. If only Spider-man can use blackout as a power to kill Electro then maybe he would but, he couldn’t do that! There’s no such thing as blackout in the game! What can Spider-man do with this man that plans to be a pure living energy? Can he make him vanished?
This guy is publicly known as Aleksei Sytsevich. With a thick protected crafted skin, he creates chaos in New York City. Yes, this is not just a simple crafted skin but with this he was granted a superhuman strength that can cause damages to anyone that will stop him on his way.
The one with unfinished rivalry with Spider-man, Mac Gargan which is also known as Scorpion. He has been in jail for years but when asked to strike and tear down Spider-man, he was granted freedom. Therefore the fight against between Spider-man and Scorpion are now rekindled.
Spider-man may have lots of villains to fight with, in order to bring peace not only on his personal life as Peter Parker but also to the lives of New Yorkers, he will definitely surpass them all because he always aims to be greater.
Genre: Action / Adventure
Anyone feeling nostalgic with GTA 5? We do! Back then, after doing challenges in GTA, you just want to beat someone on the street or just want to steal a car and drive in the city. But this, Grand Theft Auto V just takes another level. Major upgrade!
Well, you cannot trust anybody on the game BUT, you can definitely trust us by recommending this game. Imagine what will happen if a young street aggressive person, a retired bank robber, and a petrifying psychopath meet? Interesting, right? Pull-off heists and target bounty people. Be your own CEO of a criminal empire. We mean, just on the game.
By pulling of missions, you are able to experience a realistic world and awesome yet dark thrilling storyline in Grand Theft Auto V. In this game, Rockstar Games tackles economic crisis, hypocrisy, millennial ages, or most likely the modern world that we live in that makes the game more relatable and exciting to play.
Throughout the game, you will meet three playable characters that you will surely never forget. First is Michael, a former bank robber. Second is Trevor, a terrifying criminal psychopath. Lastly, Franklin, a South Los Santos street gangster. These three will make a big impact in your life. Even though this game was released back then in 2013, many people today still find this game thrilling. Classic never gets old.
4. God of War
Genre: Action
Have you read the book of Greek Mythology? Have you ever encountered the name “Kratos”? In Greek Mythology, Kratos is the God of personified spirit, strength, and power. Similar with this Ps4 Video Game, but here, Kratos is the God of War.
It’s never easy to control your rage but it is harder if you have vengeance with Gods of Olympus. Kratos does have. He’s been holding this grudge because he is the mentor and protector of Atreus — his son. And his priority is for his son to be a warrior.
During the time when Kratos prepares his son for a greater battle, they plan to hunt a deer but when they are out of the forest, some unexpected situation occurred. There are aggressive monsters in the forest but the boy isn’t ready to fight. Luckily, Kratos is there to protect him.
As the God of War, Kratos has legendary weapons like Blades of Chaos, Blade of Artemis, Blade of the Gods, and Blades of Athena. He also got a Leviathan Axe, a two-handed war axe which he uses as his primary offensive weapon in the God of War.
Atreus also have his own weapon, the Talon Bow. He uses it for hunting practices. But, as the story goes, there will be tons of upgrades that will definitely help them throughout the game.
With the chaotic world with monsters that they are living in, will they survive?
3. Red Dead Redemption 2
Genre: Action / Adventure
Red Dead Redemption 2 is the greatest masterpiece of Rockstar Games. One of the best open-world gaming experiences that you’ll ever have. With the amazing graphics and strong story-line, it feels like you’re in the game. Very realistic and immersive.
The main goal of the game is to catch this outlaw gang that avoids the law and tries to find enough money to get them far away from the rest of the world. Or simply just to survive. There will be a lot of crimes, big shootouts, and brutal fistfights. Horses are mostly used as transportation since the timeline is during 1899 in America. If you were born during back then, I guess you’ll think that this is real and more than just a game. Outstanding!
Since this is an open-world game, there are many adventures to do. You can pull-off big heists, rob trains, and even loan-shark just to have your own money. You decide what you do.
The Dead Eye is visually stunning and has a dramatic effect on the game play. You can use it anytime you want. What is a dead eye? It is a feature which allows slowing time and seeing the critical points of your targets. How cool is that? This may be one of the ambitious open-world games but it definitely surpasses the expectation.
Genre: Action / Role Playing Game (RPG)
One of the best narrative role playing games in its generation. With its captivating story, you will definitely get hooked. You just wanted to play this game all over again. We are all familiar with the setup of machines invading the Earth and then the people of the Earth will try to fight and gain back the world.
In Nier: Automata, it is machines versus androids. Yes, androids. The so called “Council of Humanity” deploys a new unit of android infantry named as “YoRHa” to stop and fight the invaders.
YoRHa 2 Type B or 2B is the female android that has been deployed to save humanity. She is equipped with multiple weapons such as Small Swords, Large Swords, Spears, and Combat Bracers.
This game is futuristic as well as the weapons used by the characters and the remarkable location that you’ll encounter during the game. Excellent game!
1. Bloodborne
Genre: Action / Role Playing Game (RPG) / Adventure
Mind-blowing is the best way to describe this game. Bloodborne definitely deserves the number one spot on the list. So, what is this game all about?
This happened during the ancient times in the city of Yharnam. The city was cursed and then a purge happened. The strange pandemic illness is spreading so fast. The setting adds up to the whole vibe of the game. Dark and Gothic atmosphere.
The details of the characters are spectacular and the weapons are intricately detailed. Some of the weapons of the Protagonist named The Hunter are Burial Blade, Kirkhammer, Ludwig’s Holy Bade, and many more.
Fun and thrilling to play. While searching out for answers on how all this happened, you must face your fears. We all know that the strongest and most overwhelming emotion is fear. Be fearless.
There you have it! A guide for the Top PlayStation 4 Video Games to play. Exciting, right? Here’s a summary of the games for you to choose which one to play next:
10. Horizon: Zero Dawn
9. Fortnite: Chapter 2 (Season 2)
8. Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
7. Doom Eternal
6. Marvel’s Spiderman
5. Grand Theft Auto V (GTA 5)
4. God of War
3. Red Dead Redemption 2
2. Nier: Automata
1. Bloodborne