What Is The Most Exciting Must-Buy Pokémon Video Game In Nintendo 3DS?

9 min readJan 18, 2021


Pokémon is well-known in lots of places. We bet that you are familiar with Pokémon video games, movies, TV shows, and characters. Even if you don’t know all the Pokémon characters, we know that when you hear the name Pikachu, Pokémon will cross your mind. Having Pokémon as your buddy in real life would definitely be awesome. We think that it can happen because with technology, anything is possible. However, sticking to the video game concept, we can meet different types of Pokémon since there are lots of Pokémon series that we can play. Each one in the series is a must-buy Pokémon video game.

Here are some of the best Pokémon video games that you can play with your Nintendo 3DS:

  • Pokemon Y (2013)
  • Pokemon Omega Ruby (2014)
  • Pokemon Moon (2016)
  • Pokemon Gold Version (2017)

Playing Pokémon with your Nintendo 3DS is indeed a classic move. Everything brings so much nostalgia. As we go along talking about each must-buy Pokémon game, we are going to share with you some of the details and features of each must-buy Pokémon game. From starter Pokémon to Gym Leaders, we got you covered! Are you ready to catch them all?

Must-Buy Pokémon 3DS Games

Pokémon Y (2013)

Must-Buy Pokémon 3DS Game #1

In Pokémon Y, the game will begin with the player talking to Serena or Calem after waking up. You will be talking to one of them depending on the gender of the character that you will be playing. They have one objective in the game and it is to tell Professor Sycamore in Aquacorde Town. Once you arrive at this place, you are going to choose one among the three starter Pokémon.

The three starter Pokémon are Fennekin, Froakie, and Chespin. Each of them has its own ability. Fennekin is a fox Pokémon that comes from the fire type family of Pokémon. One of its abilities is blaze. It also has a hidden ability called Magical. Later on, after reaching a certain level, it will evolve to Braixen. Then if you reach another certain level, it will evolve into its final form which is Delphox.

Froakie is a bubble frog Pokémon that comes from the water type family of Pokémon. One of its abilities is torrent. It also has a hidden ability called Protean. Later on, after reaching a certain level, it will evolve to Frogadier and Greninja which is its final form.

Chespin is a spiny nut Pokémon that comes from a grass type family of Pokémon. One of its abilities is overgrowing. It also has a hidden ability called Bulletproof. It will evolve into Quilladin after reaching a certain level. Its final evolution is known as Chesnaught.

You will be facing 8 Gym Leaders in this game. First is Viola from Santalune Gym. She is a photographer that specializes in bug type Pokemon. Once you defeat her, you are going to obtain a bug badge. The second one is Grant from Cyllage Gym. He is a rock climber that specializes in rock-type Pokémon. You will obtain a cliff badge once you defeat him.

Korrina is the third gym leader that you will be battling with. She is from the Shalour Gym and she specializes in fighting-type Pokémon. You will obtain a rumble badge once you defeat this evolution fighter. The fourth one is Ramos from Coumarine Gym. He specializes in grass-type Pokémon and you will obtain a plant badge once you win the battle.

The fifth one is Clemont. He is an inventor that owns Lumiose Gym. He specialized in electric type Pokémon and he owns the voltage badge. The sixth gym leader is Valerie from Laverre Gym. She owns a fairy badge and she specializes in fairy type Pokémon. Valerie is also a fashion designer.

Anistar Gym is owned by Olympia. She is a gym leader that sees the future. With that, she owns a psychic badge and she specializes in psychic type Pokémon. Last but not least is Wulfric from Snowbelle Gym. He loves ice-type Pokémon that’s why he owns the iceberg badge. Everyone in the Pokémon village loves him.

Pokémon Omega Ruby (2014)

Must-Buy Pokémon 3DS Game #2

The location in this one is different from the previous one that we have talked about. In Pokémon Omega Ruby, the player was riding a van and arrived in Littleroot Town. When they arrived at their new home, a group of Machoke helped them carry some boxes. Later on, you will meet with Professor Birch and you will encounter a wild Poochyena. You will pick among the three starter Pokémon and once you defeat the wild Poochyena, you can keep the starter Pokémon that you used to fight with the other Pokémon.

These three starter Pokémon are Treecko, Mudkip, and Torchic. These starter Pokémon are very charming yet powerful. Treecko is a wood gecko Pokémon that is grass-type Pokémon. Its ability is overgrown and its hidden ability is unburdened. It can evolve into a Grovyle once it reaches a certain level. Its final form is Sceptile.

Mudkip a cute mudkip fish Pokémon that comes from the water type family of Pokémon. It can perform torrent and damp as its hidden ability. Later on, it will evolve into Marshtomp and Swampert. Meanwhile, Torchic is a chick Pokémon that comes from the fire type family of Pokémon. Its abilities are blaze and speed boost. Its evolutions are Combusken and Blaziken.

Just like Pokémon Y, this game also has 8 gym leaders. You will be battling Roxanne from Rustboro City. She loves rock type Pokémon and she owns a stone badge. While in Dewford Town, you will fight with Brawly. He specializes in fighting type Pokémon and owns a knuckle badge. Next in line is Wattson from Mauville City. He likes electric type Pokémon and he has a dynamo badge.

Flannery is the gym leader in Lavaridge Town. She loves fire-type Pokémon. You will obtain a heat badge once you defeat her. Norman is from Petalburg City. He specializes in normal type Pokémon and owns a balance badge. While in Fortree City, a gym leader named Winona is waiting for you to have a battle with her. She owns a feather badge because she specializes in flying type Pokémon.

Mossdeep City is ruled by Liza and Tate. You will have a double battle because there are two gym leaders in this city. They specialize in psychic type Pokémon and own a mind badge. The last gym leader that you will be battling is Wallace from Sootopolis City. He loves water type Pokémon and you will obtain a rain badge when you win the battle.

There are two legendary Pokémon that you will encounter in this game — Kyogre (water-type Pokémon) and Groudon (ground-type Pokémon).

Pokemon Moon (2016)

Must-Buy Pokémon 3DS Game #3

This time, the game begins with a video call. Professor Kukui will be talking with you and he will help you to create a Trainer Passport that you will need in this journey. While having a conversation with Professor Kukui, a girl brought a Pokémon with her and escaped the laboratory. Suddenly, the Pokémon teleported. The girl was also teleported because of the Pokémon’s ability. In that case, you will help Professor Kukui find the missing Pokémon.

The three starter Pokémon in this game are Rowlet, Litten, and Popplio. Rowlet is a grass quill Pokémon with overgrow and long reach abilities. It is from the grass type family of Pokémon. It can transform into Dartrix and Decidueye once it reaches a certain level. The other starter Pokémon is Litten. It is a fire cat Pokémon that can perform blaze and intimidate abilities. It is clear that it came from the fire type family of Pokémon. Once you reach the evolution levels, it will transform into Torracat and Incineroar.

Popplio is the third one among the three starter Pokémon. It is a sea lion Pokémon that belongs to the water type of family. It can perform torrent and liquid voice abilities. Its evolutions are Brionne and Primarina.

In Pokémon Moon, there are no gym leaders. However, there are so-called Trial Captains that you will be battling with. There are 7 in total.

Ilima is the first trial captain that you will be battling with. You can find her in Verdant Cavern in Melemele Island. She specializes in normal type Pokémon. When you arrive on Akala Island, there are 3 trial captains that you will be facing. Lana is found in Brooklet Hill and specializes in water-type Pokémon. Kiawe is in Wela Volcano Park and takes care of fire type Pokémon. Mallow is in Shade Jungle and loves to collect grass-type Pokémon.

When you arrive on the island of Ula Ula, you will be battling with Acerola. You can meet this trial captain in Supermarket Megacheap which is an abandoned site on the island. Acerola specializes in ghost-type Pokémon. The last trial captain that you will meet is Mina. She can be found in Seafolk Village located on Poni Island. She loves to pet fairy type Pokémon.

There is also a legendary Pokémon featured in this game. It is Lunala, a psychic ghost-type Pokémon.

Pokémon Gold Version (2017)

Must-Buy Pokémon 3DS Game #4

Another set of starter Pokémon is featured on Pokémon Gold Version. But before that, you will be meeting Professor Elm. Your journey will start from New Bark Town. After meeting Professor Elm, you are going to Mr. Pokémon’s house due to some errands.

We know that you are excited to meet the new set of starter Pokémon. Feel free to choose among Chikorita, Cyndaquil, and Totodile.

Chikorita is a small cute leaf Pokémon that belongs to that grass type family. Its abilities are overgrow and leaf guard. Later on, it will evolve into Bayleef and Meganium. Cyndaquil is fire mouse Pokémon with blaze and flash fire ability. It is a fire type Pokémon. Its evolutions are Quilava and Typhlosion. The last one is Totodile — a big jaw Pokémon that belongs to the water type family of Pokémon. It can perform torrent and sheer force. It will evolve to Croconaw and Feraligatr.

Gym leaders and gym battles are back! There are 8 gyms that you will be visiting. Aim to obtain each gym’s badges.

The first one is known as Violet Gym ruled by Falkner, an elegant master that specializes in flying type Pokémon. You can obtain a zephyr badge if you win the battle. The next one is the Azalea Gym ruled by Bugsy. She is a walking bug Pokémon encyclopedia because she knows everything about bug-type Pokémon. A hive badge is waiting for you to achieve.

Whitney is not just a pretty girl that owns normal type Pokémon. She is ruling the Goldenrod Gym. Whitney owns a plain badge. The fourth gym leader that you will be battling with is Morty. He can see the future and he is a perfect match with ghost type Pokémon. He owns a fog badge that you can obtain when you visit Ecruteak Gym.

When you go to Cianwood Gym, you are going to battle with Chuck. He loves fighting-type Pokémon. Win a storm badge when you manage to defeat him. Jasmine is the gym leader of Olivine Gym. She specializes in steel type Pokémon. She owns a mineral badge.

Get ready because you are going to battle with the teacher of winter’s harshness — Pryce. He is ruling the Mahogany Gym and he owns a glacier badge. Pryce loves ice-type Pokémon. The last gym leader that you will be battling with is Clair. She is indeed blessed for being a dragon Pokémon user. She owns the Blackthorn Gym. Battle with her and win a rising badge in the end.

In this game, you will encounter a legendary Pokémon named Celebi. It is time travel Pokémon that belongs to the psychic grass type.

Choose Your Pokémon Game!

Now it’s the perfect time to pick your most favorite Pokémon 3DS game and shout “I choose you!” just like how Pokémon trainers do when they pick a Pokémon to fight a battle. Each must-buy Pokémon video game that we shared with you offers a great storyline. From choosing your own starter Pokémon to exploring different gym locations, everything looks amazing. Don’t miss out on all these fantastic must-buy Pokémon video games. You got to catch them all!




Written by Ogreatgames

We are a video game retailer specializing in video games, consoles and other electronics! Our website is https://ogreatgames.com/.

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